Embracing the Wounded
One Heart at a Time


Why Life is Sacred and What that Even Means

Sacred. What does that word even mean? We hardly use it anymore today. It sounds like a vegetable. “Yeah, we just planted some sacred between the beets and the squash.” But it’s a very important word. Because life is sacred. When our hearts lose the truth of that last sentence, we descend into the very […]

How to Live Beyond Happiness–In Deep Joy from Your Spirit

What is Deep Joy anyway? Sometimes it’s easier to explain what a thing is not, so let’s start there. Deep Joy is not happiness. Deep Joy is so much better than mere happiness. Happiness is situational. When circumstances are great, we’re happy. When they’re not, we’re not happy. Happiness is based on circumstances, and therefore […]

Morality and Integrity Won’t Change the Culture. Character Will.

I always thought morality, integrity, and character were all the same thing. Turns out they’re not. I just read an exceptional book called The Noticer Returns by Andy Andrews that has taught me the difference. It’s an important distinction. Our culture is suffering because the church doesn’t know the difference. Morality vs Character I believe […]

How to Find Meaning in Your Pain by Doing These Two Things

[Author’s Note: Many thanks to Elijah House. Many of the concepts in this post are from their teaching on The Spiritual Development of the Believer.] There’s a part of the Gospel that we too often neglect. It’s uncomfortable, and our modern world is all about catering to our comfort. But this forgotten part of the […]

White Repentance: How Not to Miss a Daniel 9 Holy Moment

We are in a holy moment. It’s one of those times when heaven bends near to earth. If we don’t miss it, our actions now can affect great change on the earth. A Daniel 9 Moment Daniel 9 is one of the most mind-blowing chapters in the Bible. Because they abandoned the Lord, the people […]

4 Steps to Authentic Relationships

This morning, as I look out on our deck, I see a glorious new day with radiant sunshine. It speaks of promise. Each day brings beauty and the prospect of hope. However, the visual beauty is marred by something ugly. As someone who finds beauty restorative, I find this disturbing. You see, I love my […]

How to Fail with Grace

Failure is a part of life, and how we handle it reveals our character. I’m not talking about the iterative failures, like practicing a skill and getting gradually better. I’m not even talking about moral failures or sin, although how we handle that also reveals our character. I’m talking about the “can’t get there from […]

How to End the Disconnect between Our Head Knowledge and Our Lives

There’s a deception going around the Body of Christ that breaks my heart. We have seen so many lives ruined because people believe this lie. To some degree or another, this lie is at the start of every deceptive road a Christian goes down. “I Know It’s Sin, But I’ll Be Ok” Abortion-minded clients come […]

3 Great Ways to Hack Your Fear

The most dangerous contagion in our society right now isn’t covid-19. It’s fear. It’s actually more contagious and can be more deadly. Here are 3 great ways to hack your fear and keep it from spinning into overdrive and irrationally controlling you. First, though, remember fear does have its rightful place. It’s a God-given emotion. […]

Why Jesus and You Can Walk Out of Your Tomb of Lies this Easter

This is Easter week, a.k.a. Resurrection Sunday. This is the single greatest, most significant event in human history. When Jesus rose from the dead, he shattered it all. One thing all the different human systems of morality, government, and ethics absolutely agree on is that once you die, you’re supposed to stay dead. Period. That’s […]

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