
4 Key Signs of a Healthy Church

I’ve been asked recently how to find a healthy church. What does that even look like? Are there any? Does such a thing even exist?

Well, I’m happy to report, having found one ourselves and having seen many, yes, they do exist. I’ve also been in unhealthy churches for years, and there are many of those as well. So how do you tell the difference? What do you look for?

2 Caveats: The Problem with the Question

Two caveats before we dive into the 4 key signs of a healthy church.

The problem with the question is that it makes it sound binary. It makes it sound like every church’s “Healthy” checkbox is either checked or unchecked. But it doesn’t work that way.

Churches are on a journey of sanctification just like the people within them are. Healthier churches embrace that journey; less healthy churches think they’ve arrived.

The second caveat is that not every church is for every person. That’s true even of very healthy churches. And that is a very offensive concept to our American “one size fits all” mentality.

Having said all that, there are some very unhealthy churches out there, and some very healthy ones. My prayer for you is that this post helps you find the “healthy” church God is calling you to do life with.

Here are 4 key signs of a healthy church.

1) Healthy Churches Are Biblically Sound

I’m taking for granted we’re talking about solid, biblical, Bible-believing, Holy Spirit led churches. Churches that are in bed with the culture, literally, should be avoided at all costs. These are churches that support the current wave of hip, self-destructive sin that the culture is celebrating, including sex outside of marriage, abortion, same-sex marriage, transgender transition, etc. Transgender “affirming” churches are not biblically sound.

In John 8, Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery, “Neither do I condemn you; go and leave your life of sin.” Jesus perfectly modeled loving the person while rejecting the sin.

A healthy church won’t hate anybody, but won’t wink at sin that is destroying people Jesus loves. Jesus died to set people free; how dare we wink at the sin that keeps them bound.

Healthy churches are sold out for Jesus and aren’t bullied into silence by the culture.

2) Healthy Churches Build the Kingdom, Not Their Own Empire

If you hang around a church for a while, you can tell whether the leadership is building their own empire or the Kingdom of God.

A couple years ago, a ministry in our area was having a weekend retreat. Because of somebody’s clerical error, they lost their venue for the last day, and only found out that morning. Doh!

Our pastor let them have their final service that night at our church, on very short notice. It was a completely different denomination. Our pastor did not expect to get any tangible benefit out of it whatsoever. But he has a Kingdom heart, and it showed that night.

3) Healthy Churches Have a Good Attitude when Someone Leaves

You can learn a lot about how healthy a church is by watching how people are treated when they leave.

Are people guilted into staying? Are former members now viewed as outsiders? Are people openly blessed out the front door, or are they quietly shoved out the backdoor?

A healthy church knows everyone is there for a season, and is not threatened or offended when someone leaves. They release and launch people into the next season of their lives with blessing.

4) Healthy Churches are Trauma Friendly

For those of us recovering and healing from trauma, it’s important to be in a safe place with safe people.

Safe people in a healthy church will NOT:

  • Blame you for the abuse you suffered. See “Why We Blame Trauma Survivors.”
  • Accuse you of not having faith because you’re struggling.
  • Shame you for admitting you’re struggling or having a hard time.
  • Quote scripture at you because they don’t know what else to say.
  • Pretend to have all the answers.

Safe people in a healthy church WILL:

  • Validate your pain. See “How to Validate Someone’s Pain.”
  • Support your counseling and/or medication.
  • Stand with you while you have a blue day.
  • Be there for you.
  • Listen more than they talk.

A church is not a trauma center, and pastors are not trauma counselors. So they may not completely understand. But a healthy church will support and encourage you on your healing journey, not shame you for being on it.

One Final Note…

Not everyone in a healthy church is healthy. Most churches will have people across the whole spectrum of healthiness. Find the safe people.

Hopefully at least the leadership is healthy. They can’t lead people into a greater degree of health or holiness or intimacy with Jesus than they walk in themselves. If the leadership is not safe or healthy, then definitely find another church.

You’re looking for a group of safe people in the church that embody the qualities I’ve listed above. You’re looking for a group of safe, godly people you can do life with.

Your Turn

Does this resonate? Have you found a healthy church? Have you suffered abuse in an unhealthy church? Share your story with us in the comments, and please share this post if it would bless others.