Embracing the Wounded
One Heart at a Time


4 Ways to Deescalate Conflict

If you’ve been watching The Chosen, you’ve seen a brilliant (fictitious) example of Jesus de-escalating conflict in Season 3 Episode 8. Spoiler Alert: If you haven’t seen it, go watch it, then come back and read this post. [Aside: If you’re new to The Chosen, it’s a multi-season show about the life of Christ through […]

How to Not Starve on Relationship Breadcrumbs

Thomas just wanted peace in his home. That’s a good thing, isn’t it? He lived in constant fear of his wife leaving. All she had to do to get her way was yell at him, and he’d capitulate. Even if he knew it wasn’t the right thing, he did whatever was necessary to keep the […]

How to Tell if You’re Motivated by Wounding or Calling

Everything we do in life is driven by one of these two things. At the end of the day, these are the only two motivations in the human experience. Everything we do is driven by either our wounding or our calling. Here’s an example. Bob and Ted both help their church one Saturday morning a […]

How to Change How You See Yourself with 2 Words

“I’m learning.” These are the most powerful two words we can say. They will completely change our mindset about how we see ourselves. And they shut down the accusations in our head. For example, when “I’m so disorganized” becomes “I’m learning to be organized,” that’s a total game changer. You no longer see yourself as […]

3 Ways to Bridge the Gap

I’m sure you’ve noticed. There’s an increasingly larger and larger gap these days between the world and the church. The world is pushing a narrative that, even a few decades ago, even one decade ago, would’ve been viewed as complete insanity. Well, what is it? you ask. Fair question, which I’m not answering in this […]

A Practical Example: How I Partner with God

Here is an example of how I partner with God in a simple, everyday thing. It’s not anything earth-shattering or heavy-revy. But it’s making a huge difference in my life. And there’s a big takeaway here that I pray you find useful in your own life. How I Partner with God for My Daily Wakeup […]

How to Move from Either/Or to Both/And

Sometimes we get in our own way, and limit what God wants to do in our lives by either/or thinking. But making the paradigm shift to both/and thinking is often the most powerful enabling shift we can make. That changes everything. A Real-Life Example In one of my recent webinars about hearing God, a participant […]

How to Hear God Better by Showing Up Differently

Many of us have trouble hearing God because we’re showing up wrong. We’ve got the wrong paradigm, and it’s interfering with (1) how well we hear God, and (2) our intimacy with him in general. Because we’re showing up to the wrong meeting. Too often, we show up trying to hear God like it’s a […]

What I’m Learning about God’s Rest

I’ve shared my journey of discovering how to honor the Sabbath and enter into God’s rest. Not that those are both the same thing, but they are related. True rest, God’s rest, is not the absence of work. Regarding the Sabbath, Jesus told the Pharisees, “My Father is always at his work to this very […]

How to Get Your Brain Working for You

First we have to understand what our brain is really for. Contrary to conventional wisdom, your brain is not there to determine truth. Its purpose is not to figure out what’s true and what’s not. That is your spirit’s job. That’s why discernment is a spiritual gift. Truth is spiritually discerned, not physically reasoned. The […]

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