Unchain Your True Identity
into Victorious FreedomOvercome a Broken World & Pursue Your Dreams
Join us for 12 weekly group Zoom calls learning to discover your true identity
going through Dave's ebook The Runt: A Fable of Giant Inner Healing
God Created You to Be Free
Live Your True Identity

Overcome a Broken World

Pursue Your Dreams

Are Your Dreams Held Hostage by Lies?
Bound by the chains of false identity, too many Christians are a prisoner to lies, fears, and hurts.
Their dreams are held hostage by lies of “you’re not,” “you aren’t,” “you can’t.”
Too many Christians never experience the freedom Jesus made available for them.
Enough is enough already.
It’s time to break free.
Live Your True Identity in Victorious Freedom
Step 1: Join the Zoom Group

Step 2: Discover Who God Made You

Step 3: Live in Victorious Freedom

Your Dreams Don’t Have to Be Held Hostage by Lies, Fears, and Hurts
Janet and Dave know you want to live your true identity in victorious freedom and pursue your dreams. In order to do that, you need healing from brokenness, freedom from self-condemnation, and the lies of “You’re not,” “You aren’t,” “You can’t.”
... The problem is you’re a prisoner to lies, fears, and hurts, all bound up by the chains of a false identity. Which makes you feel like you’re going through life pretending, desperately hiding your shame. We believe it doesn’t have to be this way. God has healing and freedom for you. We understand because we’ve come out of brokenness and into healing ourselves. We’ve come out from under a lot of lies. Family dysfunction. Self-hatred. Broken narcissistic relationships. Which is why we want to share with you the healing we’ve received, replacing the lies we believed with truth. God came through for us. He’ll come through for you, too. Here’s how it works: 1) Join the group. Meet with us on Zoom for 12 weeks going through Dave’s ebook The Runt: A Fable of Giant Inner Healing. 2) Discover who God made you to be. Together we’ll discover what’s holding you back, guide you through inner healing, and equip you with the tools you need. 3) Live a victorious life of freedom, overcoming a broken world and pursuing your dreams. So, join the group! And in the meantime, download Dave’s free ebook, The Runt: A Fable of Giant Inner Healing. Don’t live a life of dead dreams, an eternal victim and prisoner to lies, fears, and hurts. Instead, live your true identity in victorious freedom, equipped with tools for overcoming a broken world, pursuing your God-given dreams for real.

Hearing God Led Us Out of Our Brokenness
Let Us Teach You What We’ve Learned
We (Dave and Janet) have come out of a lot of brokenness. Dysfunctional family dynamics. Lies we believed about ourselves. Fear of not fitting in. Self-hatred. Receiving inner healing led us out of failed relationships and into a victorious life of freedom we never thought possible.
God wants the same for you.
What People Are Saying ...
Dave and Janet are as-good-as-gold on the inside as their blog content is on the outside. Their content is a rare jewel in the land of the internet. I have personally benefitted in numerous surprising ways from them, their writings, their sharing, and their lives! You will find great encouragement and solid guidance from them. You might even find a special friendship thrown into the deal!

Dave’s writing draws me in, showing his understanding and his empathy for my issues. Then he softly pivots, showing me an innovative solution, straight from the Scriptures, such as healing vs. coping, full of grace and truth. Dave’s workshop series will take his remarkable teaching to a deeper, practical level. The Bible repeatedly advises us to make companions of wise men. Enrolling in Dave's course would demonstrate that you're an excellent judge of this quality. I encourage you to say "yes”.

Eric Samuelson
Ashland, VA
I have benefited from attending Dave and Janet's group in several ways. I am more attuned to hearing God speak to me personally, able to tap into and use God-given talents and better able to recognize opportunities He puts in my path in life. If you are at all thinking of signing up for Dave and Janet's zoom group, please don't hesitate. Since you are thinking of doing so, it is probably God speaking to you.

Dave has been a huge blessing. His insights on how to follow Jesus are clear and direct. Dave helps me think, reframe situations and take steps. This is time well-spent; worth every minute.

Jane Abbate

The Runt: A Fable of Giant Inner Healing is the story of Runty, who lives in a slot canyon. Looked down on by everyone, he’s come to believe the lies the world’s told him about who he is. Runty’s trapped life, like ours, is intertwined with the lies he believes about who he is. It’s a painful but comfortable prison, until a disruptive Christian friend leads Runty out of his canyon and into the dangerous freedom of the Kingdom of God.
Traveling with Runty as he gets free and discovers his real name, we learn how to replace the lies we believe about ourselves with the truth of what God says about us.
We’ll also send practical weekly content to help you walk in your true identity, who God says you are. You can unsubscribe any time.
All the Details ...
Dates & Time
- 12 weekly group Zoom calls, 60 minutes each
- Dates To Be Announced
- Typically 7:00 PM Eastern Time
- Replays available until the next session (i.e., for a week)
- Join the wait list to jump into the next round (click the “Join the Group” button)
- Dave & Janet’s private Facebook group
- Mentorship from Dave & Janet during the 12 weeks
- Live your true identity in victorious freedom
- Healing from brokenness
- Freedom from lies:
- Lies of self-condemnation
- Lies of “You’re not, “You aren’t”, “You can’t”
- Shame
- Tools for overcoming a broken world
- Re-ignite and pursue your God-given dreams
- To Be Announced (estimated $297)
- Full refund through first 14 days, no questions asked
Email Dave at dave@IdentityInWholeness.com.