Embracing the Wounded
One Heart at a Time


We help Christians
stuck in brokenness

Live their God-given
identity in wholeness,

So they can live the adventure
God created them for.

Dave Wernli

Dave Wernli


I grew up in Southern California with an Evangelical background and a solid Biblical foundation. I was introduced to the Charismatic movement after college and became familiar with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I’ve got a strong affinity and love for all parts of the Body of Christ, especially the Evangelical, Charismatic, and Catholic traditions.

The Lord has held me close through much brokenness and loss in my family and into amazing healing, with more to come. There is so much brokenness in the Body of Christ at large – I have a deep desire to share what God has taught me.

Janet Wernli

Janet Wernli


I grew up with a traditional church background in a large Air Force family. Military deployments took our family overseas to Madrid, Spain, and London, England. Stateside, we lived in the Washington, D.C. area. I met the Lord as a young mother in a Bible study where the Holy Spirit broke out. My walk has drawn me into deep intimacy with the Lord. He has brought me much inner healing of wounds from loss and trauma.

<br />About the Community

About the Community

We are an online community committed to living who God created us to be. Our passion is to see the Body of Christ walking in wholeness. So many are stuck in brokenness and can’t move forward. But God has healing freely and abundantly available. Through this web site, we connect with each other, we encourage each other, we speak life to each other, always pointing to intimacy with Jesus who brings hope.

Our Statement of Faith

We recognize and respect the differences between various Christian expressions of faith. Most of these differences are not worth breaking fellowship over. We believe there are, however, certain basic truths that are the essence of Christianity.

We believe salvation is through a personal relationship and Lordship of Jesus Christ alone.

We believe the Bible is the Word of God. It is God’s love letter to us, and is absolute truth for all people at all times and in all cultures.

We believe that through the entirety of the Bible God has revealed himself as a triune God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman.

We long to bring the same healing God has brought us through to the Body of Christ. There is no hurt too deep for God’s healing, if we are willing to partner with him in the process.

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