Janet and Dave highly recommend these books. These are Amazon affiliate links, meaning that if you buy these books through these links, we get a commission from Amazon. (Often the commission is on your whole cart if the purchase is within 24 hours of clicking the affiliate link.) It’s a great way to support our ministry without any additional cost to you. Even though these are affiliate links, we honestly recommend these books. We have read them and they have blessed us.


Keep Your Love On!

Connection, Communication, and Boundaries

By Danny Silk

Transform your relationships and learn how to communicate in a healthy way. Really! This book is so good, Dave has underlines and notes on almost every page.

The Power of TED*

*The Empowerment Dynamic

By David Emerald

We have a post about this book here. Learn how to live like a creator instead of a victim. Transform your life from a victim trapped in the Dreaded Drama Triangle to a creator living in the Empowerment Dynamic. A quick, easy read framed as a fun fictional story.


When to Say Yes, How to Say No, to Take Control of Your Life

By Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend

The classic book on this subject. This book was so helpful to us, and many posts on this site reflect the concepts found in this book. This book is a total game-changer for your relationships.

Post-Abortive Recovery

Transforming Your Story

A Path to Healing after Abortion

By Wendy Giancola

Janet uses this book frequently for post-abortion recovery groups at our local Pregnancy Help Center. It’s an amazing book that invites Jesus into what’s often the deepest, darkest secret in a person’s life. The healing we’ve seen using this resource has been amazing.

Where Do Broken Hearts Go?

Healing and Hope after Abortion

By Jane Abbate

Janet and Dave have used this book in weekly aftercare following post-abortion healing retreats. It is an amazing resource that gives the reader permission to feel their emotions. It is filled with practical, godly help to move through grief into the healing God has for every post-abortive person.

No One Told Me I Could Cry

For the Young Wounded by Abortion

By Connie Corso Nykiel

A compassionate, caring message of hope and healing for both women and men wounded by abortion. This book brings a message of joy and hope for those who have experienced abortion, and can be a treasured guide to healing.

Forbidden Grief

The Unspoken Pain of Abortion

By Theresa Burke, Ph.D.

Stripping the politics out of it, this book explains what abortion actually does to women, from a Ph.D. with decades of experience counseling hundreds of post-abortive women. It gives the clinical definition of PTSD, why abortion causes it, and how to find healing through embracing the grief process. It contains powerful personal stories told by post-abortive women. Dr. Burke founded Rachel’s Vineyard, a post-abortion healing ministry. Janet and Dave volunteer on a Rachel’s Vineyard team based in Richmond, VA.


The Wall

Rebuilding a Culture of Life in America — and Ending Abortion as We Know It

By Kirk Walden

Using striking similarities between the book of Nehemiah and the present day, Kirk Walden proposes a practical strategy that can end abortion in America without passing a single law, without a single pro-life Supreme Court justice, or without any political victory at all. It is currently working all over the country. As the Body of Christ, this victory is in our hands and is our choice.

Created to Live

Becoming the Answer for an Abortion-Free Community

By Cathy Harris

If you want to transform your sphere of influence into an abortion-free community, this book will help you start the conversation. It’s a very powerful read.

Inner Healing

Transforming the Inner Man

God’s Powerful Principles for Inner Healing and Lasting Life Change

By John Loren & Paula Sandford

Book 1 in the classic Transformation Series that taught the Body of Christ how to do inner healing, this book covers performance orientation, bitter root judgements and expectancies, generational sin, and more.

God’s Power to Change

Healing the Wounded Spirit

By John Loren & Paula Sandford

Book 2 in the classic Transformation Series that taught the Body of Christ how to do inner healing, this book covers slumbering spirit, depression, defilements, occult involvement, and more.

Letting Go of Your Past

Take Control of Your Future by Addressing the Habits, Hurts, and Attitudes that Remain from Previous Relationships

By John Loren & Paula Sandford

Book 3 in the classic Transformation Series that taught the Body of Christ how to do inner healing, this book covers identity and calling, sexual wholeness, gender identity issues, and more.

Growing Pains

How to Overcome Life’s Earliest Experiences to Become All God Wants You to Be

By John Loren & Paula Sandford

Book 4 in the classic Transformation Series that taught the Body of Christ how to do inner healing, this book covers prenatal rejection, birthing trauma, childhood inner vows, heart of stone, sexual abuse, anorexia and bulimia , and more.



How We Can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential

By Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D

This amazing book will take you from a limited fixed mindset that’s holding you back to a growth mindset that will unlock your potential.

Fully Alive

Lighten Up and Live — A Journey that Will Change Your Life

By Ken Davis

Written with a Christian perspective by the hilarious Ken Davis, this book gives practical, down-to-earth Kingdom of God wisdom to transform your life from just existing to really living.

The Road Back to You

An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery

By Ian Morgan Cron & Suzanne Stabile

Through the lens of the enneagram, this books explores the mystery of the human personality. It will help you be comfortable in your own skin while allowing others to be comfortable in theirs. 

The Big Leap

Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next level

By Gay Hendricks

We all have an Upper Limit Problem: We don’t believe we can be simultaneously successful in work, finances, and relationships. If some of these areas start getting too good, we self-sabotage the other(s). This book teaches you how to move beyond your upper limit, from your zone of comfortable excellence to your zone of genius — that unique contribution God created you to make to the world.


Experiencing Grief

A Practical and Healing Guide for Those Experiencing the Loss of a Loved One

By H. Norman Wright

This brief but powerful book helps lead you through the five stages of grief to peace and a seasoned, mature faith.


God Meant It for Good

A Fresh Look at the Life of Joseph

By Dr. R.T. Kendall

Going through the life of Joseph, Dr. Kendall teaches us life lessons about the power of forgiveness and how to practically walk it out.

Christian Living

Visions beyond the Veil

Visions of Heaven, Angels, Satan, Hell, and the End of the Age

By H.A. Baker

Before the Communist takeover of China, H.A. Baker and his wife ran the Adullam Rescue Mission, an orphanage for the street children. To these poor and outcast children, whom the world would consider the lowest of the low, while they were worshipping, God spontaneously gave incredible visions of the real Heaven and the real Hell. This book should be required reading for all Christians. If you want to know what the afterlife is really like, read this book. Like all revelation from God, it’s not scary but it is sobering. An excellent read that we cannot recommend highly enough.

The Bait of Satan

Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense

By John Bevere

In our explosively divisive culture, this book is needed more than ever. John Bevere unmasks one of the enemy’s most deceptive snares to get believers out of the will of God — offense. This book will forever change how you interact with the people around you and on social media.

Culture of Honor

Sustaining a Supernatural Environment

By Danny Silk

Danny Silk describes the church as it can be: A place of freedom, respect, empowerment, and healthy discipline (not punishment). This Kingdom of God ecosystem flows out of the currency of honor. A very practical book and a fun read.