Embracing the Wounded
One Heart at a Time


The Key to Living in the Inheritance of Abundance, and Not Entitlement, by Embracing Gratitude

So many people live in a scarcity mindset. This causes jealousy and self-destructive behavior in relationships. These people intrinsically believe there’s only a limited amount and I might not have enough. For example, when bosses sabotage their up-and-coming star employees, they’re afraid and threatened by another’s success because of a scarcity mindset. “If you succeed, […]

Photo by Adegboye Habeeb: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-a-woman-covering-her-mouth-with-a-yellow-fabric-9238599/

The 4 Masks of Wounding and An Invitation to Healing

So often the thing that’s causing the pain in our lives isn’t what we think. It isn’t the blatantly obvious bad fruit like self-destructive addictions or jacked-up relationships. It isn’t the less obvious bad fruit like workaholism or perfectionism. The thing that’s causing the pain in our lives is wounding. But too often we don’t […]

Photo by Ron Lach

God Is Anti-Formula and Pro-Partnership

Although there are principles and guidelines clearly spelled out in the Bible, God is intentionally anti-formula. In fact, he goes out of his way to avoid patterns that we could turn into a formula. Because he values something so much more. Partnership with us. Old Testament: Every Battle is Different In the Old Testament, there […]

Photo by Shuaizhi Tian: https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-on-a-roller-coaster-ride-11758657/

The One Healthy Goal of Relationship (and Two Unhealthy Goals)

We all yearn for relationships. God, as the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), is in relationship within himself. And we were created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27). So we were created specifically for relationships, with God and with each other. We are hard-wired by God to need relationships. We can’t be healthy without them. […]

Why You Feel Unworthy

As I work with people to help them partner with God for the calling on their lives, I see a common obstacle that holds many people back. Some people know their calling, but this holds them back from stepping into it. Other people can’t even approach God to have the conversation and investigate their calling, […]

How to Cut Unrighteous Soul Ties in 5 Steps

Have your head and your heart ever disagreed? Especially about whether a relationship is over or not? In your head, you’re totally over it. But your heart keeps weeping, and try as you might, you can’t stuff it down. And, even in other relationships, it keeps flooding back into your mind? You might be suffering […]

7 Traits of a Healthy Group

If you’re looking to join a healthy group, whether it’s a church, a mastermind, an association, or a support group, here are 7 traits to look for. 1) Givers They are givers, giving to others more than they take. And no one is keeping score. There’s no “you owe me because I helped you.” Their […]

Why You Need Support Not Accountability

Accountability groups, or accountability partners, are big in some Christian circles. But, while well-intentioned, accountability’s not all it’s cracked up to be. What you actually need is support, not accountability. Here are 4 reasons why. 1) Support Helps, Accountability Controls The critical difference between accountability and support is that accountability is “friendly” control, while support […]

Why Trying Harder Doesn’t Work and What to Do Instead

“I’ll just try harder!” How many times, frustrated with yourself, have you doubled-down and said that? I have. When we’re not getting the results we want in our job, our relationships, our body, and/or our spiritual life, we commit to trying harder. Doing all things. Harder this time. “It’ll work this time because I’m going […]

How to Conquer Imposter Syndrome

“Imposter Syndrome” is that feeling of inadequacy we all feel when we’re overwhelmed by our calling. Because God always calls us to something bigger than ourselves. He calls us to something we can’t do without him. So often, this is our first response to God’s calling on our lives. And, believe me, imposter syndrome, feeling […]

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